by Lynn K. McMullin
How to Join the Budget Process
The district’s budget process began in the fall as the building administrators began evaluating their programs and inputting the dollar amounts needed to support their school’s unique needs. At the same time, the Superintendent and Board of Education began collecting information about the more inflexible portions of the budget – transportation, utilities, benefits, and contracts. Our goal in Canton is never to merely maintain the status quo, but to continuously build upon the most effective components of our success while finding cost-savings wherever we can.
Mark Your Calendar
Now it’s time for the community – you -- to join the budget process. The dates below will help you decide when and where to participate. Try to attend as many meetings as possible, but the key meetings are: Tuesday, February 9th, when Superintendent Kevin Case presents his budget to the Board of Education; Monday, February 22nd, when the Board of Education holds a public hearing; Wednesday, April 7th, when the Board of Finance holds its public hearing on all three of Canton’s budgets; and Thursday, April 15th, when the Board of Finance holds its Budget Workshop. At most of these meetings, the public may speak. However, at the April 15th Board of Finance workshop, the public may only observe. Even when you do not or cannot speak, your attendance at a meeting becomes an observable “presence” in the budget process.
The Board of Finance Public Budget Hearing is set for Wednesday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. Many town residents will choose to speak at this meeting about both the Board of Education’s budget and the Board of Selectman’s budget. If you do choose to speak, try to be as specific in your remarks as possible. It is required that you begin by stating your full name and address. According to one member of the Board of Finance, general statements, such as “I support the school budget,” are not as well received as very specific statements about what you are supporting and why. Specific statements show you truly understand what is in the budget and its implications for education in Canton. You should try to state your points well within a three-minute time limit.
After this public hearing, the next important meeting is Thursday, April 15th, the Board of Finance’s Budget Workshop. Residents may only observe this discussion. However, your presence in the audience as the Board of Finance makes its decisions does speak for you. It’s actually a very interesting meeting to attend, and the Board of Finance’s decision to cut or accept the Education and Selectman budgets follows their discussion.
Remember: if you can’t attend a meeting, you may write a letter to the Board of Education and/or the Board of Finance and request that your letter be read aloud. You may also call your Board members or write or email messages with your opinions.
Calendar of Important Dates:
Tuesday, February 9th -- 7:00 p.m. – BOE meeting; Superintendent Kevin Case presents his budget at the Community Center
Monday, February 22nd – 10:00 a.m. – School budget presentation by Kevin Case at the Community Center
Monday, February 22nd – 2:00 p.m. -- School budget presentation by Kevin Case at Cherry Brook Primary School
Monday, February 22nd – 7:00 p.m. -- Public hearing with Board of Education at the Community Center
Tuesday, February 23rd – 7:30 a.m. -- School budget presentation by Kevin Case at Canton Intermediate School Coffeehouse meeting
Thursday, March 4th – 7:00 p.m. – Special Board of Education meeting to adopt budget at the Community Center
Wednesday, April 7th – 7:00 p.m. – Board of Finance Hearing on the Budget
Thursday, April 15th – 4:00 p.m. – Board of Finance Budget Workshop – public can’t speak; only observe
Monday, May 10th – Annual Town Budget Meeting
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