by Lynn K. McMullin
I decided to use the BLOG this week to introduce our new Business Manager, Ed Hoyt, but also to let you know what jobs happen in the district’s Central Services Office. Superintendent Kevin Case’s role is prominent and public, so you’re probably very familiar with his presence; but that’s not true for Ed or me. We’re not in the least offended that sometimes people ask us, “What exactly is it you do?”
Superintendent Kevin Case divides his time among three key roles:
1. Educational Leadership: Working with the Board of Education, school community, and staff to define a comprehensive vision for the district; creating a culture that nurtures and capitalizes on the talents and skills of the staff; setting high performance expectations; sustaining and improving high-quality research-based programs to enhance teaching and learning.
2. Organizational Management: Overseeing the daily operation of the school district and its programs; planning and organizing; hiring, evaluating, and supervising staff; evaluating the district’s operations and programs; reporting regularly to the Board of Education and implementing Board Policy; preparing and managing the District's Budget; ensuring the health and safety of students and staff
3. Community and Board of Education Relations: Working with the Board of Education and the community to establish a vision and set goals; representing the District by attending school and community events; communicating regularly with all members; preparing meeting agendas and providing data and information to the Board; maintaining positive working relationships with local, regional, and state organizations and agencies
As Assistant Superintendent, I (Lynn McMullin) also wear many hats, but key among them are my responsibilities for:
1. Improving Teaching and Learning: Developing programs, curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment tools with teachers; researching and implementing new technology products; writing grants to support programs and new initiatives; researching and providing current resources to teachers and conducting professional development; analyzing and communicating the District’s standardized assessment data for CMT, CAPT, SAT, and AP to the Board and community; conducting program pilots; proposing new courses, textbooks, and programs; chairing district-wide committees.
2. District-wide Communications: Writing communications for the webpage, Friday Blog, newsletters, and area newspapers; preparing reports for the Board about curriculum, test results, and initiatives; completing state reports, such as for new teacher induction, technology planning, and grant spending; managing the AlertNow Early Notification System; liaising with the EAC (teacher’s union) on new initiatives; conducting surveys and analyzing results; writing and communicating policies, such as Acceptable Use Policy for Technology, Sexual Harassment and Title IX, and Annex O Emergency Procedures; representing the District at school, state, and community events.
3. Program Management: Supervising CMT and CAPT testing; writing mandated State plans, such as the 2009 – 2012 Technology Plan; developing the District’s program for TEAM (new teacher induction and support); designing and implementing the new Teacher Evaluation and Growth Plan; implementing SRBI (Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions for students not meeting grade level expectations); setting a vision for 21st century learning, including Virtual High School and Odyssey; working with the Board, Superintendent, and Administrators to develop the annual budget.
Business Manager, Edward Hoyt joined us from the Orange School District in late January of 2010, just as we entered the most difficult stages of the budget preparation. He was quickly absorbed into the Canton Public Schools’ community as a valued member of the Central Office team. Ed is responsible for:
1. Operational Management: Overseeing the school district’s operations such as transportation, food services, and facilities, assuring the full compliance with State and Federal requirements, as well as assuring both cost effectiveness and efficiency; negotiating the terms for these contracted services; evaluating these operations for quality of service; reporting regularly to the Board of Education; and ensuring the health and safety of students and staff while in the District’s jurisdiction. Within transportation, specifically, Ed is responsible for: ensuring the safety of students on buses; establishing bus routes; and addressing parent concerns in cooperation with the principals and the bus contractor.
2. Human Resource Coordination: Overseeing all non-certified staff from recruitment to hiring to evaluating their performance; maintaining all current personnel records; assuring accurate and fiscally sound payroll processing; participating as the primary liaison for the Board and Superintendent in negotiations with all collective bargaining groups.
3. Facilities Maintenance and Planning: Coordinating building repairs and maintenance; conducting regular inspections of school buildings and contracting for repairs and/or replacement of facilities and equipment; developing specifications for contract bids and evaluating all bids and/or cost estimates for facilities maintenance.
4. Fiscal Management: Overseeing all the fiscal operations of the school district -- payroll, purchasing, and internal accounting; overseeing funds received under federal and state grants; reporting monthly to the Superintendent and the Board of Education on expenditures, allocations, balances, and anticipated over or under expenditures; working with the Board, Superintendent, and Administrators to develop the annual budget; establishing standards and procedures for accounting; working with appropriate town committees and employees regarding facilities, maintenance, and business; representing the District at school, state, and community events.
Reading Wish List
Long form reading may be a relic of the past for younger generations in US
society and culture for a variety of reasons, but I still believe in both
the po...
1 week ago
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